Delen Private Bank and your company

Business owners can also rely on Delen Private Bank for responsible wealth management. Whether you are interested in investing tax-efficiently, have questions concerning the planning or transfer of your company or are looking for legal and tax advice – our dedicated team has got you covered.

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Tax-efficient investing

Put your company assets to work through our expertise in wealth management. Delen Private Bank’s DRD fund (dividend received deduction) allows you to invest in a tax-efficient way. If your company invests in one of our DRD funds, the capital gains and dividends on the shares are almost entirely exempt from corporate tax. Thus offering an advantageous solution for money that is set aside for your liquidation reserve, for example.

If your company has a liquidation reserve, then the reserved capital is released again after a five-year period. The amount that is then transferred to your personal assets, can subsequently be optimised through discretionary asset management. By this means, our financial experts manage your assets on your behalf, taking into account your personal investment profile.

Legal and tax advice

Our Estate Planning team specialises in the legal and tax aspects of running a business, as well as the follow-up and transfer of your company. In addition to general topics concerning marital assets, inheritance law and inheritance & gift tax, our legal and tax experts advise you about:

  1. the fiscal aspects of the succession or take-over of your family business or company
  2. the structuring of your movable and immovable assets via companies
  3. corporate taxation

Goed bestuur

Delen Private Bank steunt ondernemers in hun streven naar goed bestuur. De bank, die opereert in een sterk gereguleerde sector met strikte vereisten, deelt graag haar ervaring en engageert zich om het thema governance onder de aandacht te brengen.

In het kader hiervan nodigt Delen geregeld inspirerende sprekers uit en gaan we partnerships aan met kennisplatformen zoals De Bestuurder, BCTE en Agoria.

Lees de visie van directielid Katrin Eyckmans over Goed Bestuur.


Delen Family Business Circle - een ontmoetingsplaats voor ondernemers

Uw bedrijf en uw familie zijn uniek, en tegelijk zijn sommige verhalen verrassend herkenbaar. Maak kennis met experts en collega-ondernemers in de Delen Family Business Circle. 

Want to know more?

Put your company’s liquidation reserve to work through the tax-friendly DRD fund. Ask your relationship manager about it.