Building your portfolio

The financial and administrative management of our investment portfolios is in the hands of Cadelam, the fund manager of Delen Private Bank. Cadelam manages the portfolios from two complementary lenses: a financial-economic and an ESG lens.

The financial-economic pillar

Fund manager Cadelam carefully monitors global market opportunities. Their starting point is a thorough analysis of the economic situation. Next, they identify the themes that will define the future (technological innovation, ageing, energy transition, etc.).

Cadelam then determines which sectors and companies offer convincing solutions to these long-term themes, supported by financial data and criteria such as innovation strategy.

In doing so, they closely monitor the composition and returns and are strongly committed to optimising portfolio diversification in terms of asset class, region, theme and sector.


The ESG pillar

Delen strongly believes in the added value of responsible investing. Fund manager Cadelam invariably considers ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) factors in every investment decision.

Ideally, we steer positively towards sustainability by engaging in dialogue with the companies we invest in. In addition, exclusion of unsustainable companies is an inescapable part of a strong ESG policy.

In line with our responsible investment policy and long-term vision, we invariably apply our responsible investment strategy when constructing your portfolio.

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Uw portefeuille is robuust en weerbaar - zodat hij ook de hoge golven op de beurs kan trotseren. Daarin ligt onze toegevoegde waarde

— Michel Buysschaert

In lijn met ons verantwoord investeringsbeleid en langetermijnvisie, passen we bij de samenstelling van uw portefeuille steevast onze verantwoorde beleggingsstrategie toe en houden we rekening met uw duurzaamheidsvoorkeuren. 

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