Delen as a sustainable organisation

Sustainability is ingrained in Delen's mission: balanced management and prudent planning of our clients' wealth.

That commitment is reflected throughout the organisation, and is rooted in the long-term perspective Delen Private Bank maintains in every relationship it enters into, be it with clients, employees, society, shareholders, government or regulators.

"As an organisation, we are on the path to a carbon-neutral world. I see it as an evolution rather than a revolution: in small, but irreversible steps."
Michel Buysschaert – CEO

Sustainability report 2023

The sustainability report gives an overview of the key sustainable achievements of 2023. We present the four essential Sustainable Development Goals and outline the key KPIs for each stakeholder.
Download the sustainability report 2023

ESG encapsulates the entire organisation

Every relationship the bank enters into - with clients, employees, society, authorities, or shareholders - is based on a long-term perspective. And for each of them, the bank fleshes out its ESG policy specifically. In this way, ESG seeps into every fibre of the organisation.

The guiding principles are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which the United Nations sets out to protect the planet and improve prosperity.

Needless to say, all 17 goals receive our attention, but the impact of Delen Private Bank is greatest on the development goals Decent work and economic growth (SDG 8), Peace, justice and strong public services (SDG 16), Responsible consumption and production (SDG 12) and Climate action (SDG 13).

We highlight some notable 2022 achievements and developments.

Reducing our ecological footprint

Delen Private Bank is on the path to a carbon-neutral world. Most of our organisation's carbon emissions are caused by infrastructure and the car fleet.

1 809 tCO2
3,88 tCO2 per million euros turnover
  • 0,5% paper

    < 12% paper quarterly reports

  • 3% commuting

  • 21,5% infrastructure

    thanks to switch to green energy

  • 75% car fleet

The bank is focusing its efforts mainly, but not exclusively, on these categories. By 2022, for instance, all Belgian offices in-house switched to 100% green energy, reducing CO2 emissions for infrastructure by as much as 68%.

In addition, since the last quarter of 2022, employees of the bank can only order fully electric cars. This will further reduce the footprint in the future.


New registrations


New registrations

15 % electric
39 % electric

Earning our clients' trust every day

Delen's core mission as a private banker is to protect and grow the assets of our clients. To succeed in this mission, we offer our clients a personal, proactive and efficient service, of which wealth management (investments) and wealth planning are the two cornerstones.

Our comprehensive approach is widely appreciated, as evidenced by the high satisfaction ratings the bank received in the 2021 client satisfaction survey.

Net Promotor Score (2023)
of clients are (very) satisfied with the bank
Our clients’ confidence is also driven by the financial health of our banking institution. Group Delen's balance sheet is solid. The bank is amply capitalised and easily meets the statutory requirements in terms of equity and liquidity. The healthy profitability is an indicator that the bank will also be able to show a solid balance sheet in the future.
1,1 billion
Core Tier 1 ratio
Return on equity

Satisfied employees are the centre of the organisation

Due to our strong growth, we are constantly looking for talent. As a sustainable employer, we are committed to well-being in the workplace, a fair and attractive remuneration policy and gender equality and diversity.

Net growth in staff in 2021,2022 and 2023
(excl. JM Finn)
Total number of employees in 2023
in the five countries

Delen Private Bank as a trustworthy banking institution

Delen Private Bank stands for acting with integrity and prudence. The fight against money laundering is taken very seriously.

Besides strict compliance with legislation, we provide our employees with the necessary training.

We also encourage clients to act in the same sustainable, fiscally correct manner.

Delen Private Bank pays its due corporate taxes and banking fees to various market regulators. In 2022, €51.5 million was paid in various taxes and banking fees.

€ 62,1 million
paid taxes and bank levies

Loyal partner for culture, sport and science

As a financial institution, Delen Private Bank fulfils an essential role in society. Besides its financial function, the bank also takes its broader social commitment to heart.

This includes lending a hand to vulnerable people, supporting young talent and establishing long-term partnerships with important cultural and scientific projects.

We are, for example, proud partner of Brafa, the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp, Art Antwerp and Art Brussels. We work together with the King Baudouin Foundation to provide financial support to social and educational projects, particularly for vulnerable young people. Finally, we sponsor upcoming sports talents like Manon De Roey (golf) and the Van Doren brothers (hockey). 

2023-Inspired3-Mosa-15 (1)


Curious about our impact as a responsible investor?

You are acquainted with Delen Private Bank as a wealth manager - the bank invests its clients' assets on their behalf. Those investment decisions have a substantial impact on society. In total, 31.8 billion euros are invested responsibly.