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1. Disclaimer
2. Copyright and trademark warnings
Copyright en trademark warnings
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Recording of phone conversations
Information related to Best Execution Policy
- Report on the quality of order execution 2023 (available in French only)
- Report on the quality of order execution 2022 (available in French only)
- Report on the quality of order execution 2021 (available in French only)
Summary of the remuneration policy
Information on the risks of financial instruments
5. General conditions
Special conditions Delen OnLine
6. Deposit Protection
7. Sustainability-related disclosures
Sustainability-related disclosures (document currently only available in Dutch)
Information about your sustainability preferences (English) (Dutch)
SFDR RTS Annex II - Pre-contractual information on centralized asset management
Responsible Investment and Sustainability Risks Disclosures
Declaration on Principle Adverse Impacts (document available in Dutch)
8. Risk Reports
Rapport Pillier III 2021 (available in French only)
Rapport Pillier III 2022 (available in French only)
Rapport Pillier III 2023 (available in French only)